Amusement Rides

Sun ‘n’ moon

Ideal for Shopping Centres, Indoor & Outdoor Amusement Parks, these rides utilize a minimum of space offering at the same time an excellent seating capacity. Their reliability and care of maintenance will make them an affordable investment for any location while their beautiful design and their bright colours will surely charm your youngest customers.


Drive Power3.7 K.W
Lighting Power2.0 K.W
Ride Capacity24 Children
Ride Height5.7 Mt.
Capacity per /Hr480 Children (Variable)
Age GroupBelow 10 Years
DriveFriction Tyre
Area required3M x 6M
Nos. of FRP Gondola6 Gondolas
Ride Time & Loading/unloading180 Seconds


Specifications might have slight variation due to further improvement in R & D without any further notice.

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Our Clients

Nilgurus Amusements and Ecoparks Ltd.
Kishkinta Theme Park


Hindustan Amusement Machines
137, Eco Tech III, Udyog Kendra,
Toy City, Greater Noida, U.P

Phone: +91 9811157770
  +91 9811053700
  +91 9811382071
