Amusement Rides

Rock ‘d’ disk


12 Persons 20 Persons
Breaking SystemElectricElectric
Capacity per /Hr240 Persons400 Persons
Cycle / Hour 2020
Fence Area Required16M Dia18 M Dia
Gondolas Drive3.7 K.W5.5 K.W
Lighting5.0 K.WNA
Loading / Unloading time Speed45 - 60 Seconds60 – 80 Seconds
Main Drive7.5 K.W11 K.W
OperatingPLC Driven with manual/over ridePLC Driven with manual/over ride
Ride Height7.5 M approx.9 M approx.
Ride MotionClock wise / anti clock wise and Up and down at 3600Clock wise / anti clock wise and Up and down at 3600
Ride Weight12 Tons15 Tons
Safety Seat Lock (Pneumatic)Seat Lock (Pneumatic)
Seating Capacity 12 persons20 persons
Speed12 RPM Gondola12 RPP Gondola
Total Power17 K.W22 K.W

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Our Clients

Nilgurus Amusements and Ecoparks Ltd.
Kishkinta Theme Park


Hindustan Amusement Machines
137, Eco Tech III, Udyog Kendra,
Toy City, Greater Noida, U.P

Phone: +91 9811157770
  +91 9811053700
  +91 9811382071
