Amusement Rides

Music bob


24 Seater 40 Seater
Age GroupFamily RideFamily Ride
Area required10 M Dia18 M Dia
Capacity24 Adults40 Adults
Capacity per /Hr480 Persons800 Persons
Dia of Ride10 M Dia18 M Dia
Light Load2 K.W5 K.W
No. of cycles15 – 20 Per Hour15 – 20 Per Hour
Power Required11 K.W18 K.W


Specifications might have slight variation due to further improvement in R & D without any further notice.

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Our Clients

Nilgurus Amusements and Ecoparks Ltd.
Kishkinta Theme Park


Hindustan Amusement Machines
137, Eco Tech III, Udyog Kendra,
Toy City, Greater Noida, U.P

Phone: +91 9811157770
  +91 9811053700
  +91 9811382071
